So you’ve learned all there is to know about cannabidiol (or cbd, as it’s more popularly known), and you’re ready to give it a try. It’s logical. The food and health sectors are abuzz with excitement about this natural chemical component, which is supposed to assist with anxiety, arthritis, pain alleviation, menopausal symptoms, and sleeplessness, to name a few.
How should you use cbd oil?
While there are several methods to consume cbd oil, it is dependent on the potency of the oil. With our 250mg cbd oils (a good beginning point), place five cbd oil drops under your tongue and keep them there for 30-60 seconds three times a day. You may, however, experiment by incorporating your drops into a smoothie, juice, or even your daily cup of coffee. Cbd is also supposed to take the sting out of coffee.
That’s where we come in – Here’s our CBD oil guide to help you select how to take cbd oil most effectively.
Methods for taking cbd oil at home
In a tincture
A tincture is a mixture of ingredients that you take straight into your mouth via dropper or spray. Cbd oil may be ingested directly under the tongue (that part of the mouth is a capillary-rich area and so the cbd will reach your bloodstream quicker). Drop a cbd dosage beneath your tongue and keep it there for a minute before swallowing.
In a nutshell
Cbd oil is also available in capsule form, which may be a useful alternative for those who wish to keep a regular level of the substance in their bodies. When cbd is taken, however, it travels through the digestive system, which means you may have to wait up to 30 minutes before feeling any impact.
As a smoothie ingredient
Some cbd oil combinations have a strong, earthy flavor. It’s not for everyone, which is why many people choose to conceal the flavor with other – more delectable – components. Another option to consume cbd is to include half a teaspoon of cbd oil into your morning smoothie for a stress-free start to the day. If you’re looking for some smoothie inspiration, check out the 5 best self-care smoothies with hemp.
In coffee
If only there was a way to get the energizing effects of coffee without experiencing the jitters. Oh, there is one! There are a growing number of cbd coffee manufacturers that claim that infusing coffee beans with cbd reduces the anxiety that caffeine use may induce. This Smoothing out the ‘high’ that your coffee provides you; it takes the edge off. Alternatively, try dairy-free milk infused with cbd to simply adjust your dose while still allowing you to use your favorite coffee mix.
As an ingredient in a salad dressing
We’re speaking the same language now, right? Try using a little amount of cbd oil in your everyday culinary practice to get a slew of health benefits with no effort. Begin with three to four tablespoons olive oil, then add two teaspoons CBD, the juice of half a fragrant lemon, and season with salt and pepper to taste delightful and healthy salad dressing.